Course curriculum

    1. L1 - Linux Introduction

    2. L2 - What is Operating System

    3. L3 - Create an AWS account

    4. L4 - Create an Linux EC2 Instance

    5. L5 - Connect to a Linux server using Mobaxterm

    6. L6 - Connect to a Mac

    7. L7 - Linux Filesystem Hierarchy

    8. Discussion Forums

    9. Linux PPTs as PDF

    1. L8 - Linux Basic commands - Commands: date, cal, uptime, whoami

    2. L9 - Read a File - Commands: cat, more, less, head, tail

    3. L10 - Creating files - Commands: touch, cat, vi

    4. L11 - Edit or Append Content to a File - Commands: cat, vi, nano

    5. L12- Create Directories - Commands: mkdir

    6. L13 - Remove FIles and Directories - Commands: rm, rmdir

    1. L14 - Copy Files or Directories - Commands: cp

    2. L15 - Move or Rename a File - Commands: mv

    3. L16 - Changing Directories - Commands: cd

    4. L17 - Search a File - Commands: find, diff and file

    5. L18 - Search for a Word in a File - Commands: grep

    6. L19 - Replace a Word in a File - Commands: sed

    1. L20 - Creating & Managing a User - Command useradd

    2. L21 - Login as a User onto EC2 Instance

    3. L22 - ls Command Explained

    4. L23 - File Permissions

    5. L24 - Changing Permissions - Commands: chmod

    6. L25 - Changing Ownership - Commands: chown, file

    1. L26 - Gather System Information - Commands: free, cpuinfo, uname etc..

    1. L27 - Installating Packages - Commands : yum [install, remove]

    2. L28 - Updating and getting info about pacakges - Commands: yum [update, list, info]

About this course

  • ₹799.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content