DevOps Complete Course
In this course we are going to see end to end CI/CD pipeline using, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Sonarqube, Artifactory, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes and Prometheus
GIT_L0 - Resources and Discussion Forums
GIT_L1 - Course content overview
L2_GIT - What is Version control system and Why Git
FREE PREVIEWL3_GIT - Instal Git on Window
FREE PREVIEWL4_GIT - Setup An EC2 Instance and install git
FREE PREVIEWL5_GIT - Working with git bash
FREE PREVIEWL6_GIT - Creating a repository on Git
FREE PREVIEWL7_GIT - Different stages on Git
FREE PREVIEWL8_GIT - Working with git stages
L9_GIT - Compare code changes with different git stages
L10_GIT - Compare code changes with different local commits
L11_GIT - Why do we need GitHub
FREE PREVIEWL12_GIT - Creating github account
L13_GIT - Creating a repo on github account
L14_GIT - Cloning a repo from GitHub
L15_GIT - Push code onto remote repository
L16_GIT - Updating other developer code
L17_GIT - Git clone vs Git pull
L18_GIT - One of the common issue faced by Developers
L19_GIT - Connecting to Github using ssh
L20_GIT - Associate local repo with remote repo
L21_GIT - How a developer push his changes onto GitHub
L22_GIT - Working with Commits on Git
L23_GIT - Know information about specific commit on Git
L24_GIT - Working with commits on GitHub
L25_GIT - Commit changes directly on GitHub
L26_GIT - Why do we need Branches on Git
L27_GIT - Branches in DevOps workflow
L28_GIT - Working with Branches on GitHub
L29_GIT - Working with branches on git
L30_GIT - Commiting changes on branches
L31_GIT - Merge changes onto master branch
L32_GIT - Resolving merge conflicts
L33_GIT - Forking a repository
L34_GIT - Creating Pull Request (PR)
L35_GIT - Working with private repositories
L36_GIT - Adding collaborator to a repository
L37_GIT - Creating protected branches
L38_GIT - Creating tags to enable versions
L39_GIT - Reverting changes from working directory
L40_GIT - Reverting changes from staging area and local repo
L41_GIT - Gitignore file
L42_GIT - Git rebase command
L43_GIT - Git Fetch vs git pull
L44_GIT - Introduction to Git Project
L45_GIT - Setup Git Repository and Branches for new project
L46_GIT - Allowing Developers to check-in code
L47_GIT - Enabling DevOps workflow on Dev branch
L48_GIT - Pull Request (PR) to merge code from Dev branch to UAT branch
L49_GIT - Release code onto Production
L1 Topic Covered
L2_MAVEN - What is Maven
L3_MAVEN - How maven helps to DevOps Engineer
L4_MAVEN - Resource to start
L5_MAVEN - Setup Maven Environment
L6_MAVEN - Java installation on Windows
L7_MAVEN - Eclipse installation
L8_MAVEN - Create 1st maven project
L9_MAVEN - Maven Coordinates
L10_MAVEN - Default directory structure
L11_MAVEN - Steps involved to build a java project
L12_MAVEN - Maven Goals
L13_MAVEN - Maven Goals in Action
L14_MAVEN - What is Pom.xml and How it works
L15_MAVEN - About This Section
L16_MAVEN - Maven Repositories
L17_MAVEN - Deploy goal for local repository
L18_MAVEN - Push Maven project onto Github
L19_MAVEN - Create a EC2 Instance
L20_MAVEN - Prerequisites to setup Maven
L21_MAVEN - Setup Maven
L22_MAVEN - Build maven project on Linux
L23_MAVEN - Comman Maven Goals
L24_MAVEN - Create a Project with Maven archetype
L25_MAVEN - Plugins and Dependencies in pom.xml
L26_MAVEN - Settings.xml file
L27_MAVEN - Tomcat Server configurations
L28_MAVEN - Deploy war on tomcat server
L29_MAVEN - Maven in DevOps Workflow
L30_MAVEN - Jenkins Installation full
L31_MAVEN - Add Maven build server as a salve to Jenkins
L32_MAVEN - Build jenkins job on slave node
L33_MAVEN - Build a war file on Maven build server
L1-Artifactory - Artifactory setup and Integration with Jenkins
L1 - Jenkins Introduction
L2-Jenkins - create a 1st Jenkins job, Jenkins job with parameters
L3-Jenkins - Run maven job, deploy on Maven
L4-Jenkins - Jenkins master and slave configuration
L5-Jenkins - GitHub webhook, DSL Job
L6-Jenkins - Jenkins Pipeline
L7-Jenkins - Integrating Artifactory with Jenkins
Sonarqube Introduction
SonarQube Installation
SonarQube - Console Overview
L4 - SonarQube Installation with PostgreSQL
L5 - Integrating SonarQube with Jenkins